Yellow Boy
Born 13/11/2019 in Croatia
Hips A (FCI)
Elbows 0 (FCI)
Eyes and Gonioscopie OK (protocol AFEP/MHOC)
LOCUS B: B/B (Wisdom panel)
LONG HAIR L/l by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
PRA-PRCD clear by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
EIC clear by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
HNPK clear by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
CNM clear by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
NARC clear by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
DM clear by génétic test (Wisdom panel)
Congénital cardiac Normal - Practitioner (protocol OFA)
Full dentition in scissor with all adult (protocol OFA)
DNA profil OK
Macedonia Champion
Tous les documents sont visibles à l'établissement / All documents are visible to the establishment
Tous les controles ont leurs certificats officiels et originaux / All controls have their official and original certificates